Boxes & Storage

Jewellery & Hobby Tools

Jewellery Findings

Bubble Mailers


Some people have sensitivity towards nickel, which is commonly present in small quantities in jewellery and clothing (ie zips).

This sensitivity can lead to contact dermatitis - irritation of the skin where the jewellery item - such as a chain - has been in contact with the skin.

Ten percent of the population of the European Union are estimated to be sensitive to nickel. European Directives came into force starting from July 2000 to ensure that products that came into prolonged contact with the skin met agreed standards.

All of my jewellery findings and my gold and silver plated wire are low nickel, and comply with the European Nickel Directives EN 1810, EN 1811 and EN 12472.

The principal points of the European Nickel Directives are as follows:
  1. Post assemblies inserted into pierced ears (or other pierced parts of the body) should be composed of less than 0.05% nickel, this is equivalent to less than 500 parts per million.

  2. Products intended to come into direct and prolonged contact with the skin must not release nickel at a rate exceeding 0.5 micrograms per square centimetre per week.

  3. Products intended to come into diect and prolonged contact with the skin must be able to meet the above nickel release criteria in point 2 for a period of at least two years of normal use.
My suppliers for products described as low nickel carry out random testing of products to ensure that these standards are being met by the manufacturers.

I have contacted my suppliers to find out their policies regarding nickel in order to ensure that I am aware of which products comply with the directives.

You can view a guide to the European Nickel Directives on the Department of Trade and Industry site.

Spend over £7.50 and get a 10% discount on your items. (Not including P+P).
All craft and hobby items are included in this promotion
Your items must be paid for with one payment to qualify for the discount.

Packaging & stationery items are excluded from this promotion.

Jewellery Findings

Jewellery & Craft Wire
